Barbara Gowdy fonds [multiple media]
Hiérarchie Barbara Gowdy fonds [multiple media]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :7 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records: (Électronique) The Finding Aid MSS 2183 provides a file list of the textual records. MSS2183 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Barbara Gowdy fonds [multiple media]
Date :1947-2016.Référence :R9334-0-1-EGenre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Art, Images en mouvement, Documents sonoresTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :192284Date(s) :1947-2016.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :CanadaÉtendue :13.51 m of textual records.
ca. 407 photographs : col.
13 prints : posters.
21 videocassettes.
1 CD.
23 photographs : b&w negatives.
2 DVDs.
2 contact sheets : 7 col. and 2 b&w.
94.44 MB of photographs.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :The fonds consists of textual records and graphic material documenting the life and career of Barbara Gowdy. The records have been arranged in the following series: Literary works (including one sub-series of Adaptations of Gowdy's work by other writers); Subject files; Correspondence; Personal material; Publicity, Awards and Interviews: Printed Material, Clippings and Videos; and Imprint. The textual records date predominantly from 1989-2006. The photographic material consists of publicity photographs and personal photographs of friends and family, 1947-1998. Other graphic material consists of publicity posters promoting Gowdy's work as an author. Records of note include drafts of her novels and research Gowdy conducted for them; personal correspondence with family and friends; professional correspondence with publishers, both Westwood Artists in Canada and other houses internationally; and correspondence with filmmaker Jody Colero about a potential live action adaptation of The White Bone.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Gowdy, Barbara, 1950- : Barbara Gowdy was born in Windsor, Ontario, in 1950 and raised in Don Mills, a suburb of Toronto. She studied theatre arts and film at York University and worked as an editor and managing editor for a publishing firm, Lester & Orpen Dennys, from 1974 until 1979, after which she worked as a freelance editor. Her first marriage was to a fellow student, William Purchase, and her first book, an anthology titled The Rabbit and the Hare, was published in 1982 under her married name, Barbara Purchase, with John Wiley & Sons in Toronto and with Van Nostrand Reinhold in the United States.
Periodically during the 1980's and 1990's, Gowdy taught creative writing at Ryerson and the University of Toronto. As well, she worked as an interviewer on the TVOntario programme Imprint which dealt with contemporary writing.
After her second marriage, to Mark Howells, Gowdy reverted to her maiden name when she published her first novel, a historical work set in Great Britain, in 1988. Through the Green Valley was published in Canada by General Publishing, in Britain by Judy Piatkus Books and in the United States by St. Martin's Press, but it did not attract a great deal of attention. However, with the appearance of her next novel, Falling Angels, the following year, Gowdy became an international success. The novel, a dark comedy introducing what would become Gowdy's continuing preoccupation with misfits and the abnormal, was published in Canada, the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Holland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Turkey. An excerpt published as a short story, Disneyland, was selected by Margaret Atwood for the 1989 edition of The Best American Stories.
Gowdy's next book was a critically acclaimed collection of short stories, We So Seldom Look on Love (1992), whose title story about necrophilia was filmed as Kissed, a feature directed by Lynne Stopkewich. Her next novel, Mister Sandman (1995), another black comedy, was short-listed for the Giller and Trillium Prizes and the Governor General's Award. Her imaginative novel about elephants, The White Bone (1998), was also short-listed for the Giller Prize and the Governor General's Award, as well as the Rogers Writer's Trust Fiction Prize. It was published in Canada, the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Brazil and Japan.
Gowdy's unique voice in Canadian literature led to an invitation to appear at one of the TED conferences organized by Richard Saul Wurman, TEDCity, held in Toronto in 2000. In 2002, she served as a juror for the prestigious Giller Prize. Gowdy's fifth novel, The Romantic, was published in 2003 and became a finalist for the Man Booker Prize, the Rogers Writer's Trust Prize and the Commonwealth Writers Prize for best book. Gowdy's sixth novel Helpless was published in 2007 and won the Trillium Book Award.
Gowdy was named a member of the Order of Canada in October 2006.
In 2017, Gowdy published her seventh novel, Little Sister.Information additionnelle :Note générale :The records were received in 1998, 2003 and 2006 from the author.Note(s) sur le contenant :73 : Files 4::5. Photographs relating to Gowdy's personal material are restricted to researchers with a letter of permission from the author.Source :Privé -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Document de restrictions à l'accèsDocuments textuels[ConsultationRestrictions varient]Volume [R9334] 76--86[ConsultationFermé]Boîte d'instruments de recherche [FA 2183][ConsultationFermé]74;[ConsultationFermé]88;[ConsultationFermé]93;[ConsultationFermé]507;[ConsultationFermé]Documents iconographiques (photo)[ConsultationRestrictions varient]
Personal series photographs restricted. Require permission of donor to view.Volume [R9334] 24--25[ConsultationOuvert]Volume [R9334][ConsultationRestreint]51;[ConsultationRestreint]73;[ConsultationRestreint]Documents iconographiques (art)[ConsultationOuvert]Images en mouvement (vidéo)[ConsultationFermé pour fins de traitement]No de pièce audio-visuelle attribué par BAC [R9334] 61973AV--61977AV[ConsultationOuvert]Documents sonores[ConsultationFermé pour fins de traitement]Documents iconographiques (photo): électroniques[ConsultationRestreint]Modalités d'utilisation :Textual records: The recipient of copies is responsible for determining whether material is subject to copyright and for ascertaining the name of the person or organization holding copyright. The recipient is also responsible for determining whether any use of copyrighted material does or does not constitute an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act.
Photographs: Various copyrights.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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