Sir William Cornelius Van Horne collection [graphic material, object]
Hierarchy Sir William Cornelius Van Horne collection [graphic material, object]
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Record information Sir William Cornelius Van Horne collection [graphic material, object]
Date:1672-1962, predominant 1834-1898.Reference:1994-389 DAP, 118-020129-9Former BAN no.:118-020129-9Local class no.:b&w prints 04644 to 04647.1, b&w prints C0528 to C0532, b&w prints SC0120, b&w prints SC2015 to SC2017, colour prints 04647.1, nitrate RV6-175Type of material:Photographs, Art, Objects (including medals and pins), Maps and cartographic materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:20005Date(s):1672-1962, predominant 1834-1898.Place of creation:CanadaExtent:101 drawings : pencil, pen and ink.
7 prints : col. lithographs and engravings.
1 watercolour.
3 letterpress.
10 reproductions.
14 medals : medals and lapel pins.
2 sketchbooks.
1 publication.
2,083 photographs : b&w.
237 photographs : b&w negatives.
58 photographs : col.Language of material:EnglishProvenance:Additional information:General note:Artistic material: Sketches of Canadian views, 1846.. Works are by an unknown artist.
Sketches, prints, illustrated letters and manuscripts of various subjects. Canadian advertising material, 1 privately published book "A Happy New Year from a Basket of Pups" and a collection of medals and lapel pins, mostly agricultural.. Original works are by Sir William Van Horne and his family. The publication was privately issued by Richard (Benny) Van Horne..
Photographic material: Events, subjects, places, and individuals associated with the life and career of Sir William Van Horne (1843-1915), General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1882-1884, Vice President and General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1884-1888, and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1888-1899. The following events are documented: North West Rebellion, 1885; "Driving of the Last Spike" ceremony marking the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Craigellachie, 1885; William Van Horne's visit to Western Canada and British Columbia via the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1889; Labour Day Parade, Winnipeg, 1895; Reception for Lord Aberdeen at the Territorial Exhibition, Regina, 1895; Meeting of Lord Aberdeen and Indian Chiefs at the Territorial Exhibition, Regina, 1895; Northwest Mounted Police parade, Macleod, ca. 1895; Aftermath of major fire, Bridgewater, 12 January 1899; Meeting of Father Albert Lacombe and Lord Strathcona, Edmonton, 9 September 1909; Royal Train carrying the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York leaving Field, 1901; Unveiling of a Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada plaque commemorating Sir William Van Horne, Montreal, ca. 1961-1962.
The following subjects are documented: Canadian Pacific Railway surveyors camp, Slocan Lake; Cattle in the Canadian Pacific Railway stockyard, Winnipeg; Labourers for the Manitoba harvest of 1895; Breaking up the prairie at J.W. Sandison's far, Brandon; Roping steer, Alta.; Cattle branding, Alta.; Bull freighters at Macleod; Indian Camp, Blackfoot Reserve, Alta.; Construction train, Columbia and Western Railway, Trail Creek; Van Horne children playing at Covenhoven, Minister's Island, St. Andrews; Sir William Van Horne and other officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway working in their offices, Montreal, 1903-1904; Canadian Pacific Railway rock cuts along Lake Superior, 1906; Interior views of Canadian Pacific Railway passenger cars; Composite photograph of Canadian Pacific passenger ships, 1910.
Exterior and interior views of the Van Horne residence at 917 Sherbrooke St, Montreal. Exterior and interior views of Covenhoven, the Van Horne summer residence and estate on Minister's Island, St. Andrews, N.B. Exterior and interior views of the Canadian Legation, Tokyo.
The following places are documented: Banff, Alta.; Cottage City, Mass.; views of Cuba; Edmonton, Alta.; Field, B.C.; Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask.; Kaslo, B.C.; London, England; Macleod, Alta.; Montreal, Que.; New Denver, B.C.; Quebec City, Que.; views of the Rocky Mountains; Rossland, B.C.; St. Andrews, N.B.; Windsor Castle, England; Winnipeg, Man..
The following individuals are documented: Lord Aberdeen; Acustie, Piegan Indian; Sir James Aikins; members of the Benedict family [Lady Van Horne's cousins]; Black Plume, Blood Indian; Lord Brabazon of Tara; R. Randolph Bruce; Mrs. R. Randolph Bruce; Timothy Cole; Crow Eagle, Piegan Indian; Crowfoot; N.R. Crump; Day Chief, Blood Indian; Walter Dinsdale; J.F. Dreyer; Maud Caroline Edgar; Edward VIII; Lord Elphinstone; Prince Fushimi; Princess Fushimi; Lord Grey; Lafcadio Hearn; Katharine Hughes; members of the Hurd family [Lady Van Horne's grandparents]; General Thomas Kelly-Kenny; H.C. Knowlton; Father Albert Lord Lansdowne; Lady Lansdowne; Marquis of Lorne; Potinah; Princess Louise; Lord Minto; Lady Minto; Lord Mount Stephen; Lady Mount Stephen; Michinzi L. Nagazaki; Red Crow, Blackfoot Indian; John Smith; Herbert Spencer; Lord Strathcona; General Tom Thumb; Sir Leonard Tilley; Lord Tweedsmuir; Lady Tweedsmuir; Adeline Van Horne; Mary Van Horne; William Van Horne; Lady Van Horne; Lord Willingdon; Lady Willingdon.
Photos by unknown photographers and by the following: Associated Screen News; C.S. Bailey; W. Gourlie Blackie; Boorne & May; W. Henry Brown; Bryant's Studio; Oliver B. Buell; Byron-May Company; C.W. Carter; Hugh Cecil; Collier; Cumming, Luce & Co.; The Dutch Studio; Elliott & Fry; Elmer & Tenney; Gauvin & Gentzel; F.W. Gutekunst; Hall & Lowe; Harper; William Henry Jackson; Kinsey; Edwin Levick; Walter Mackenzie & Fenwick Cutten; R. Maruki; William Notman & Sons; M. Nowak; Johnstone O'Shannessy; J.G. Parks; J.W. Powell; A.J. Russell; J. Russell & Sons; C.R. Savage; Savage & Ottinger; Steele & Co.; Summerhayes & Walford; Sutter; Swaine; Taber; Taller; A.H. Thompson; W.J. Topley; R.H. Trueman & Co.; James Valentine; A.G. Walford; Joseph W. Warren.
Purchase price given is for entire collection acquired on 23 Sept. 1993.
Also included in this accession are maps and plans (dating from ca. 1874-1913) related to Van Horne's business activities in Canada and abroad. These include one architectural plan showing front and side elevations of Covenhoven, Minister's Island, blueprint plans relating to the railway in Cuba and Guatemala, a plan of portion of Rocky Mountains National Park showing location of CPR hotel (1887), a plan of east Selkirk farm, and a map of coast British Columbia from 1874.
Various other locations include Ontario, Vancouver, Montreal, Phillipines, New Brunswick, Mexico, New York City.Physical description note:Graphic (other):photographic material 20c, 52:21b, 51:21c, 21c, 53:21c, 64:21c., Graphic (other):photographic material 66:21c, 69:21c, 23e, 26a, 26b, 65:32c.Arrangement note:photographic material . arranged by size and format . items.Exhibitions note:Exhibition Title: Van Horne Show and Tell. Curator: Eva Major-Marothy. National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 1994.05.19 - 1994.05.19 (only items: 1. Illustrated Letter (with cartoons) by R.B. Van Horne to his mother [1891?] - (William Van Horne as a Railway Car) - 2. Poster of the Van Horne Cigar)Source:PrivateFormer registration no.:93-268
94-046Other accession no.:1994-389 DAP -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Graphic (photo)[ConsultationOpen]Graphic (art)[ConsultationOpen]
Art material. \\ Start date: 1993-09-23. Documents must be consulted under close supervision for conservation reasons. ; Access to be given through an art archivist.Object[ConsultationOpen]Cartographic material[ConsultationClosed pending processing]Terms of use:Graphic (other):photographic material Nil \\ Start date: 1993-09-23.
Graphic (other):Art material Nil.
Graphic (other):artistic material Copyright: Expired, crown copyright on reproductions.
Graphic (other):artistic material Copyright: Unknown.
Graphic (other): Credit: National Archives of Canada.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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