Yann Martel fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Hierarchy Yann Martel fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Hierarchical level:FondsContext of this record: -
Record information Yann Martel fonds [multiple media (some electronic)]
Date:1978-2002.Reference:R15931-0-5-E, LMS-0256Type of material:Textual material, Photographs, Moving images, Objects (including medals and pins), Sound recordingsFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:3721039Date(s):1978-2002.Place of creation:CanadaExtent:3.6 m of textual records.
18 diskettes of textual records.
? photographs.
? objects.
? videocassettes (? h).
? sound recordings (? h).Language of material:EnglishScope and content:The Yann Martel fonds contains textual and other material related to his literary and teaching career, as well as his personal life from 1978-2002. The fond predominately contains material from the 1990s to 2000s.
The archival material includes: personal and professional correspondence; notes, manuscripts, typescripts, and proofs related to Martel's stories and novels (including Self and Life of Pi); professional and personal memorabilia; teaching material; and press clippings.Provenance:Biography/Administrative history:Martel, Yann, 1963- : Yann Martel is a Canadian novelist and short story writer born June 25, 1963 in Salamanca, Spain. He is best known for his novel The Life of Pi, which was awarded the Man Booker Prize in 2002, among other prizes, and became a #1 international bestseller.
Yann Martel spent his youth travelling to many parts of the world with his parents including Western Canada and the United States, Central America, and Europe. He was educated at Trent University before dedicating his life to his writing in 1990. Martel has taught at Free University of Berlin within the Department of Comparative Literature and has served as Writer in Residence at the Saskatoon Public Library.
Yann Martel's published works include a short story collection (The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios), four novels, and a number of short stories, as well as a collection of letters to the prime minister of Canada (101 Letters to a Prime Minister). He is married to Alice Kuipers; together, they have four children.Container note(s):10 C : 2003-08
12 : 2003-08
2 : 2003-08
3 A : 2003-08
3 B : 2003-08
4 : 2003-08
5 A : 2003-08
5 B : 2003-08
5 C : 2003-08
6 A : 2003-08
6 B : 2003-08
7 A : 2003-08
7 B : 2003-08
8 A : 2003-08
8 B : 2003-08
8 C : 2003-08
9 A : 2003-08
9 B : 2003-08
10 A : 2003-08
10 B : 2003-08
11 : 2003-08Source:PrivateFormer archival reference no.:LMS-0256Other accession no.:2003-08 LMS -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationRestrictions vary]LMS container [LMS-0256 2003-08] 10 C[ConsultationClosed]LMS container [LMS-0256 2003-08] 12[ConsultationOpen]LMS container [LMS-0256 2003-08][ConsultationClosed pending processing]2;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]4;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]11;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]10 A--10 B;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]3 A--3 B;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]5 A--5 C;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]6 A--6 B;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]7 A--7 B;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]8 A--8 C;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]9 A--9 B;[ConsultationClosed pending processing]Graphic (photo)[ConsultationClosed]Moving images (video)[ConsultationClosed]Object[ConsultationClosed]Sound recordings[ConsultationClosed]Textual records: electronic[ConsultationClosed]You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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