Band management, economic development, mining, water resources, oil and gas, and other records of the Northwest Territories Regional Office [textual record]
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Record information Band management, economic development, mining, water resources, oil and gas, and other records of the Northwest Territories Regional Office [textual record]
Date:1915-2007.Reference:RG10, RG85, 2013-00405-2BAN no.:2013-00405-2Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:4518579Date(s):1915-2007.Place of creation:Northwest TerritoriesExtent:128.7 m of textual records.Language of material:EnglishAdditional information:General note:Accession consists of records created and/or maintained by the Northwest Territories Regional Office of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
The accession includes records of both the Aboriginal and Inuit Affairs Program and the Northern Affairs Program.
Records of the Aboriginal and Inuit Affairs Program include, but are not limited to records relating to: band management, including membership, elections, complaints and petitions, by-laws, tripartite discussions, and the Gathering Strength program; fishing and hunting equipment; economic development, including policy directives, Economic Capacity Development Initiative, Resource Access Negotiations (RAN), Resource Partnerships Programs, Summer Career Placement Program, Youth Work Experience Program, Eskimo Loan Agreement, and natural resources; education, including band training, community education, and preservation and promotion of First nations and Inuit culture and language; trust funds, including annuities, interest distribution, and management of band funds; welfare, including housing, Canada Pension Plan, Work Opportunity Program, social development and health services; surveys and reserves; leases; land matters, including agency land; fire protection policy; research into Indian rights and treaties, including the Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories, and the Grand Council of Treat Number 9; environmental protection, including environmental issues inventories, remediation plans, and oil and gas; law enforcement and legal matters, including fines and indebtedness, RCMP constables, taxation, and litigation; natural resources, including First Nations Forestry Program, mining, and oil and gas; registration and band lists, including enfranchisement and statements of marriage to non-Indians; social activities and programs, including National Aboriginal Day, and Tree of Peace.
Records of the Northern Affairs Program include, but are not limited to records relating to: environmental protection, including Canadian Climate Program, Northwest Territories Greenhouse Gas Strategy, sustainable development, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, diamond mapping, environmental sensitivity mapping, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency (IEMA), regulatory reviews, technical documents, water licences and boards, Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Framework (CEAMF), Slave Geological Regional Plan of Action, reindeer project, pollution and pollutants, oil and gas spills, Bathurst Caribou Management Planning Committee, Diavik Diamonds Project, Thor Lake Beryllium Demonstration Project, West Kitikmeot Slave Study (WKSS), and wildlife; land, including maps and surveys, annual lands meetings, land information management system, orders in council, land claims, Committee of Original Peoples Entitlements, Dogrib Comprehensive Claim/North Slave Treaty 11, third party interests, roads, airports, reserves, reclamation and restoration, recreational lands, waste disposal, leases, dispositions, project reviews, soil and pipeline data, permafrost, conservation lands, Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy, granular material inventory, Esker Habitat Project, Ingraham Trail Land Use Plan, land use regulations and enforcement, land use regulations and policy, squatters, land applications, quarries and research; mineral resources, including various committees and forums, resource appraisal, abandonment and restoration, compensation, mineral prospecting agreement, negotiations with First Nations, various mining enterprises and locations, appeals and legal opinions, regulatory reviews, sustainable development, mine reclamation policy, contaminated sites policy, royalties, leases, claims and applications, requests for geological information, maps, charts and staking sheets, prospecting permits, and prospectors licence applications; oil and gas resources, including pipelines, environmental studies, boards and working groups, business planning, Northern Operating Environment (NOE), Northern Energy Office (NEO), and training; water resources, including Northern River Basins Study, policy, water quality, regulations, abandonment and restoration plans, municipalities, industry, hazardous waste dumps, enforcement, mining security deposits, Gwich'in land claims, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), potential licence applications, individual licences, reports, inspections, lab analysis, SNP data, Northwest Territories Waters Act, Northern Water Resources Studies Program, and the Hay River flood reduction study.Custodial history:These records were originally housed in Edmonton, but were later transferred to British Columbia. They were transferred again in 2016 and are now located in the National Capital Region and are available for consultation there.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG10
RG85Record disposition authority no.:96/006
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