Series consists of a virtually complete set of Pay and Benefit studies conducted by the Bureau, some in paper (1958-1973), but most available only on microfiche. Some studies cover groups within the federal public service while other seek to provide comparative frameworks using private sector and non-federal public sector comparison groups. What makes these surveys unique is the effort to construct the comparison groups in a manner that would allow direct relevant comparison to the groups defined by the public service classification system. Besides pay and benefit studies, these surveys cover such topics as benefit utilization, actual and anticipated recruiting rates, bilingual premiums, research study methodology, qualifications for certain job categories, statistical analyses of federal public service collective agreements, staff association membership, methodological and bibliographic reviews and comparative analyses of classification. Volume 17 contains a few miscellaneous memos and appendices to studies from 1958 to 1967. Most of the pay and benefit surveys reports in later years were output reports from electronic systems. (RG111, Vols.1-60, 82-94)