Note générale :
Maps show parcels of land claimed by the town of Brantford.
Source du titre :
Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.
Historique de la conservation :
RG10M 86703/25, transferred to Cartography from Federal Archives Division, RG10, vol. 796, file "Grand River Navigation Company, 1834-1872" on 24 Dec. 1952, microfilm reel C-13623.
Note sur les données mathématiques sur les documents cartographiques :
Scales [1:1 200] and [1:6 336].
Note structurée de contenu :
Plan of the town of Brantford showing station, buildings, etc. / G.W.R. (Great Western Railway) Harrisburg and Brantford Branch -- Plan of part of the township of Brantford.
Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :
Microfilm copies of the material in this sub-series may be found on the following reels: C-13395 (Vol. 624), C-13500 and C-13623 (Vol. 796), T-1459 to T-1460 (Vol. 1025), T-1460 (Vol. 1029)., Cartographic material: Available in microfiche format: NMC 142732 and 4106.
Versements complémentaires :
No further accruals are expected.