Source du titre :
Title is based on the contents of the sub-series.
Note sur le classement :
Please consult the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (1993- ) fonds for later, similar records; see MIKAN 4349642.
Versements complémentaires :
Further accruals are expected.
Groupes de documents reliés :
Related records from the same time period may be found in the series for the Halifax Canada Employment Centre (MIKAN 157272), because the records of the immigration and employment centres were sometimes intermixed. Researchers are also encouraged to consult the three series / sub-series for the Nova Scotia Regional Office that are scattered through three separate record groups: (MIKAN 161565) in the Immigration Program sous-fonds (RG76); MIKAN 157229 in the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission sous-fonds (RG118); and MIKAN 210799 in the Human Resources Development fonds (R4315). Occasionally the Regional Office maintained records that had been created at local offices.