[Inuit land use and occupancy maps] [cartographic material (some electronic), sound recording]
Hiérarchie [Inuit land use and occupancy maps] [cartographic material (some electronic), sound recording]
Niveau hiérarchique :SérieContexte de cette notice :Série comprend :357 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Cartographic material (Électronique) Please consult lower level descriptions. An itemized list is not yet available but there are a number of finding aids provided or prepared for the National Map Collection under contract to F.H. Schwartz of Milton Freeman Research, which include: a manual explaining categories of records and how to use the finding aids; a key word index or code to the regions, settlements, etc.; a guide to material held by the National Map Collection (various lists under one cover); a list of Settlement Land Use Individual Biographies (maps); and a card index for the individual map biographies, composite, cultural and ecological maps. RG85M 77803/16. (90: Ouvert)Cartographic material (Électronique) To access data files associated with the Inuit Land Use and Occupancy Project researchers must consult the Geomatics Section, (accession C0000367). If they require copies of the data files they must contact the Geomatics Section or Digital Media Preservation Technology. C0000367. (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive [Inuit land use and occupancy maps] [cartographic material (some electronic), sound recording]
Date :1973-1975.Référence :R16356-1-5-E, RG85M 77803/16Ancien no du BAN :104-000001-0Genre de documents :Cartes et documents cartographiques, Documents sonoresTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :3677893Date(s) :1973-1975.Lieu de création :Territoires du Nord-OuestÉtendue :ca. 1800 maps
92 computer files
ca. 280 audio cassettes (ca. 280 h)Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, inuktitutPortée et contenu :Series consists of maps produced by Milton Freeman Research Ltd. under contract to the Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs in order to create a record of Inuit land use and occupancy in the Northwest Territories. Information collected in 33 Inuit settlements was used to create maps that fall into 3 classifications: an estimated 1600 map biographies giving the life history and land use patterns of individual hunters (these map biographies were used to prepare interim and final composite maps); and estimated 115 cultural maps giving information on the location of burial sites, travel routes, archaeological sites, caches, etc.; an estimated 40 ecological maps showing wildlife distribution and movement., The series consist of three different types of data associated with The Inuit Land Use and Occupancy Data Base. The first set consists of land use information for various communities in the Northwest Territories that have been sorted by geographic location (UTM location) for each type of land use activity. This set of data is known as the INUIT series. The land use information has also been arranged by the identification number of each individual that was interviewed for the study. This set of data is known at the RTSC series. The INUIT series contains information for 30 different communities, and the RTSC series contains infromation for 29 different communities.
In the majority of cases, the land use activities for each individual were analyzed by community according to three different time frames - periods 1, 2 and 3. In two instances, a fourth time period was added to the analysis. These files represent the third set of files one can expect to find in this series.
Also included in the collection are a series of statistical summary files. These files were created by the project team as output from some sort of statistical analysis package, and summarize activity code data for each individual performing a land use activity within a particular community. In total, there are 30 fiels, one file for each community., Sound recordings consist of audio cassettes that were collected, translated and held in the custody of the National Film Television and Sound Archives, now known as the Film and Broadcasting Section. See sub-series for further description.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Information additionnelle :Historique de la conservation :RG85M 77803/16, acquired from Milton Freeman Research Ltd., McMaster University, through the Territorial and Social Development Branch of the Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs in 1976.
C0000367, computer files were transferred to the Visual and Sound Archives Division from the Government Archives Division in January 1992. The original GAD accession number is G0000065. The data files are also related to the cartography accession RG85M 77803/16.Données mathématiques sur les documents :Scales differ.Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :A small sampling of the maps has been microfilmed. See finding aid for regional maps in guide to material held by the National Map Collection for NMC numbers.Note sur l'emplacement des documents connexes :Inuit land use and occupancy project : a report / by Milton Freeman Research Ltd. was published in 3 volumes in 1976 (Ottawa : Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs). Volume One contains statements on land use and an essay on Inuit preceptions of land occupancy, accompanied by reproductions of the cultural and ecological maps included in this series. Volume Two consists of supporting studies and Volume Three is the "Land Use Atlas" containing the land use composites based on the map biographies included in this series. See NMC HT395 C32A7 1976.Groupes de documents reliés :Related to the cartographic records are an estimated 150 autiotapes that were collected, translated and held in the custody of the National Film Television and Sound Archives. Computer related material including the coding sheets, and magnetic tape are held in the custody of Machine Readable Archives, where they were transferred in Jan. 1992 (accession C0000367). (Note that punch card data forms and printouts are held by the National Map Collection). The field notes are held by the National Map Collection.Variante du titre :Vedette-matière :Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :RG85M 77803/16Autre no d'acquisition :C0000367 CA -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents cartographiques[ConsultationRestreint]Microfiche[ConsultationRestreint]NMC148867;[ConsultationRestreint]NMC148920;[ConsultationRestreint]NMC156752--NMC156831;[ConsultationRestreint]NMC173090--NMC173092;[ConsultationRestreint]NMC199334--NMC199339;[ConsultationRestreint]Boîte [RG85M 77803/16][ConsultationRestreint]2000029990--2000029991;[ConsultationRestreint]2000029993--2000029994;[ConsultationRestreint]2000029998;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030001;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030005;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030009--2000030011;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030139--2000030144;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030146--2000030151;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030183;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030185;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030201;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030214--2000030218;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030220--2000030221;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030439--2000030453;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030455--2000030456;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030469--2000030491;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030493--2000030497;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030504--2000030509;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030511--2000030513;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030515;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030519;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030525;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030666;[ConsultationRestreint]2000030668--2000030669;[ConsultationRestreint]2000032506--2000032511;[ConsultationRestreint]2000032514--2000032520;[ConsultationRestreint]2000078298;[ConsultationRestreint]2000079734;[ConsultationRestreint]2000104147--2000104148;[ConsultationRestreint]2000109031--2000109066;[ConsultationRestreint]2000118932--2000118937;[ConsultationRestreint]2000173928--2000173930;[ConsultationRestreint]2000173932--2000173943;[ConsultationRestreint]2000174430--2000174431;[ConsultationRestreint]2000865507;[ConsultationRestreint]2001051607;[ConsultationRestreint]2001051609;[ConsultationRestreint]2001051611--2001051612;[ConsultationRestreint]2000017757 No de pièce attribué par BAC 2; 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