File consists of an interview with Ronald Colman titled "The true measures of progress." The interview was conducted by Silver Donald Cameron as part of The Green Interview. File includes video of the interview, printed transcript, sound recording, and closed captioning file.
This interview was the first of two interviews conducted with Ron Colman for The Green Interview. (The second interview is "Measuring Gross National Happiness in Bhutan." See: Mikan no. 5858712.)
From the interview: "[The Genuine Progress Index is] one way of assessing the value of our wealth as a society. That wealth includes what the economy churns out, but it also includes a lot more, which is generally not considered in conventional measures. Our wealth includes our natural wealth, our forests, our soils, our marine resources, our energy sources, our water, the quality of the atmosphere. So all of those are also part of our wealth and like any other wealth it's subject to depreciation if it's not properly cared for, just like factory machinery can fall into disrepair. Similarly, if our natural wealth is not cared for, it can depreciate and there's a value in conserving it and enhancing it."