Leeds Board of Guardians and Public Assistance Committee fonds [textual record (microform)]
Hiérarchie Leeds Board of Guardians and Public Assistance Committee fonds [textual record (microform)]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :3 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records: (Papier) The finding aid provides a microfilm shelf list of the collection. MSS0090 (Limites non établies) -
Notice descriptive Leeds Board of Guardians and Public Assistance Committee fonds [textual record (microform)]
Date :1884-1947.Référence :R17567-0-7-E, MG40-M42Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :103458Date(s) :1884-1947.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :4 microfilm reels negative and positive.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of microfilmed records of the Boarding-out and Emigration Committee, minutes, 1884-1900, 1912-1930, 1941-1947, 2 reels; Boarding-out and Emigration, letters, microfilm, 1887-1919, 3 reels; register of emigrant children, microfilm, 1888-1895, 1 reel. This material is located on microfilm reels A-1629 to A-1632.Information additionnelle :Note sur l'emplacement des originaux :The original are held by the Leeds Archives Department, Leeds, England.Vedette-matière :- Children - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Salvation Army (Canada), 1887-1919
- Children - Employment - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Canada. Dept. of the Interior, Emigration Branch, 1887-1919
- Education - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Knowlton Farm (Quebec), 1887-1919
- Children - Services for - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Middlemore Home (Halifax, N.S.), 1887-1919
- Abandoned children - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Maria S. Rye's Emigration Home (Niagara, Ont.), 1887-1919
- Child care services - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Marchmont Home (Belleville, Ont.), 1887-1919
- Child care - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Guthrie Home (London, Ont.), 1887-1919
- Orphans - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947] Boarding out and Emigration Committee (Great Britain), [between 1884 and 1947]
- Children - Emigration and immigration - Great Britain, [between 1884 and 1947]
- Children - Emigration and immigration - South Africa, 1887-1919
- Children - Emigration and immigration - Canada, 1887-1919
- Child care services - Canada, 1887-1895
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG40-M42 -
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